Monday, April 16, 2012

Chasing the Dream: Living Through Art

Creating a functioning building:

In this longitudinal section through the building, the number of floors are clearly identified. The void in between the two buildings (male/female) becomes an atrium. In this section I also show the "cat-walks" that will connect both buildings through the atrium, as well as the joining of both buildings at the 3rd floor. The 3rd floor will receive a lot of human traffic, since my auditorium is on this floor in the female building. The 5th floor of the female building will feature a restaurant/wine bar with a roof deck.

In order to advance with my design identifying the core is essential. I wanted my core to successfully work with the rest of the structure. I decided to place my core in the male building. I staked all my different floors on top of each other and found a common area where all the floors can easily access  the elevators and emergency stairs.

Second model

Original Model

View from 6th ave

View from Sulivant Street

View from Spring Street

View from 6th ave/ Sulivant Street

Bird's eye view